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[翻译文档] T4M在Unity5中运行出错修改 [复制链接]

九艺网 2017-2-8 21:10:59


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​- Import the T4m package and accept the automatic script updating.

- Find "T4M 4 Textures.shader" (T4M/Shaders/ShaderModel2/Diffuse)

- Edit shader above adding at the end of line 17 "nolightmap" ( #pragma surface surf Lambert nolightmap)...save.

- Edit T4MSC.cs and replace line 309 with : " static public PaintHandle PaintPrev = PaintHandle.Follow_Normal_Circle;


This fixes the error in the T4M World Projection Shader.shader

After this line:

Code (CSharp):
  • [size=1em]void vert (inout appdata_full v, out Input o) {

Insert this extra line:

Code (CSharp):
  • [size=1em] UNITY_INITIALIZE_OUTPUT(Input,o);


To best edit the brush preview shader and remove the two console warnings you can :
- create the two shaders locally (es PlantPreview and BrushPreview) instead by code (currently) : line 240 (T4MExtendsSC.cs) and line about 1400 (T4MSC.cs).

es replace the line :

Material NewPmat = new material ("shader....

Code (CSharp):

  • [size=1em]Shader myShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/PlantPreview ");
  • [size=1em]Material NewPMat  = new Material (myShader);

in T4MExtendsSC.cs

and with

Code (CSharp):

  • [size=1em]Shader myShader = Shader.Find("Hidden/BrushPreview");
  • [size=1em]Material NewPMat  = new Material (myShader);

in T4MSC.cs

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